Please find a short synopsis describing our work using SBGN and other standard data formats like SBML and BioPAX below. AS our database may fit into two of the listed competition categories, we would want to enroll to both of them. As a first priority we would want to enroll to Best SBGN Outreach Category. We consider our work strongly advocates SBGN adoption. It’s the biggest SBGN resources available in one site, along with right tools to easily learn and adopt SBGN in data to data research activities by biologist. Secondly we would also like to enroll into Best SBGN software support category. In our work we use SVG (web graphic language, standard proposed by W3C and supported currently by all modern browsers) and AJAX to render, visualize and explore SBGN resources. The intuitive and meticulously designed user interface allows users to get access to wealth of data supporting pathway diagrams being in one screen. Appropriate visual cues and data visual artifacts (charts and heat maps) can be overlaid on the SBGN represented Maps, helping users to explore and think visually (create mind maps on the pathway diagrams). Please let me know if you need any further information. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, --Pradeep Synopsis: iPAVS: Integrated System of Pathway Resources, Analysis and Visualization Tools ( iPAVS gives biologist a single point of access to several pathway resources along with its own curated annotations and pathway information that complements existing pathway resources. Most importantly iPAVS along with the integrated pathway information, provides multitude of easy to use advance, powerful tools for data management, comparison, analysis and visualization of integrated pathway resources! There are several useful manually curated resources of SGBN represented Pathway maps such as those provided by Panther database [1], [2], AtIPD database [3], iPAVS curated Maps (CIDMS-PD) and also several detailed process maps are frequently published by Systems Biology Institute [4], [6] and some of those are deposited at Payao [5], [7] and nature precedings site [8]. Annual modeling challenge initiated by SBGN - Harmony - Combine program is propelling development and publications of more such large scale pathway diagrams [9]. The amount of high quality information in each of these large pathway maps in its own right renders them equivalent to some of the existing pathway databases. The information in these maps are far superior in terms of annotation and by the virtue of being contextual can aid in the generation of biologically meaningful hypothesis. However, there are no databases yet designed to handle these large pa thway resources efficiently. As far as our knowledge goes such pathways have not been integrated with any existing public databases, which may be attributed to the difficulties in importing them (involves manual re-curation and verification) and integrating them with other pathway resources. Also there are few tools that are capable of handling such pathway resources providing easy access to users (especially bench biologists) and allow its efficient usage in day to day research activity. IPAVS is an effort to integrate all these SBGN based pathway sources together. As one of the focused goals, IPAVS is putting efforts integrating conventional and standard resources together. Some resources are very popular but at present it’s difficult to accurately convert and make it available in standard data/visual representation formats (KEGG and SMPD). We trying to use various technologies ( Webservices, NLP) in an effort to convert conventional sources into standards data / visual representation formats by completely automating such tasks where ever possible. Also, we often resort to semi automation or complete manual curation of valuable pathway information and make it available in a standard format through IPAVS . The rationale is that, Community is in a transit trying to learn and adopt to standards such as SBGN. Such community efforts should be encouraged and supported with right tools and resources. IPAVS can fulfill such transition smoothly by providing da ta both in conventional and standard formats and tools. So such resources can be compared with each other (conventional resources familiar to users, to that of the new standards) and users will have a wealth of learning experience while using them together. Such experience will provide them opportunity to slowly move from conventional sources to better/accurate standard sources. IPAVS has currently integrated several SBGN -SBML resources together. It has converted KEGG into SBML (Cell Designer with accurate annotations for species(e.g. state and modifications ) and interactions (reaction types)) data formats but uses the KEGG notations. We have also succeeded integrating BioPax data integration in to IPAVS unified schema. As a first take, we are in a processes of importing Reactome data (BioPax-SBGN dataset ) into IPAVS. Our future efforts will be towards development of tool s which can create accurate SBGN representations and comprehensively layouted pathway diagrams automatically from our unified (SBML and BioPAX) data.